We are part of the Service of Condensed Matter Physics (SPEC) in the IRAMIS institute of the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Authority (CEA). Our research focuses on the study of the electronic and chemical structure of functional oxide surfaces, interfaces and films. To do so we employ a wide array of photoemission-based surface analysis techniques such as XPS, HAXPES, ARPES and PEEM as well as electron probes such as LEEM.
Our experimental work is done in both laboratory and synchrotron environments. We attach a lot of importance in building lasting collaborations with groups who are expert in epitaxial thin film growth, complementary experimental analysis techniques, device applications, micro and nanoelectronics technology, modelling and simulations.

Major projects
Energy Efficient Embedded Non-volatile Memory & Logic based on Ferroelectric Hf(Zr)O2
H2020 grant agreement 780302
High resolution electron energy loss microscopy : production of a monochromatic electron gun at low energy.
Collaboration CEA-CNRS-University Paris Saclay